The Lab

How to choose the right coffee beans for espresso

How to choose the right coffee beans for espresso

Is your espresso routine stuck in a rut? Want to change it up but not sure where to start? Or maybe you're new to espresso and need to know how...

How to choose the right coffee beans for espresso

Is your espresso routine stuck in a rut? Want to change it up but not sure where to start? Or maybe you're new to espresso and need to know how...

An easy way to create a great coffee program for your office

An easy way to create a great coffee program for your office

Looking for the best coffee for your office? We've got you covered. Today, we're going to run through a few simple steps to help you create an epic office coffee...

An easy way to create a great coffee program for your office

Looking for the best coffee for your office? We've got you covered. Today, we're going to run through a few simple steps to help you create an epic office coffee...

How to cup coffee at home

How to cup coffee at home

Heard of cupping before, but not quite sure where to start?  Maybe you've even been to a group cupping event somewhere and want to recreate it at home? This post...

How to cup coffee at home

Heard of cupping before, but not quite sure where to start?  Maybe you've even been to a group cupping event somewhere and want to recreate it at home? This post...

A deep dive on Ethiopian Heirloom varietals

A deep dive on Ethiopian Heirloom varietals

10,000. That's how many different and unique varietals are estimated to be growing in Ethiopia today. Some estimates even put that number at up to 15,000. Whatever way you look...

A deep dive on Ethiopian Heirloom varietals

10,000. That's how many different and unique varietals are estimated to be growing in Ethiopia today. Some estimates even put that number at up to 15,000. Whatever way you look...

unusual coffee varietals

3 unusual coffee varietals to watch out for

One of the things that makes coffee so fun, for us, is the huge range of flavour possibilities to be explored. The way we brew can have a huge effect...

3 unusual coffee varietals to watch out for

One of the things that makes coffee so fun, for us, is the huge range of flavour possibilities to be explored. The way we brew can have a huge effect...

How to brew natural processed coffees

How to brew natural processed coffees

Fruity. Sweet. Cupfulls of fresh berries, jams and mouth watering ripe fruits. Some of our all time favourite coffees are naturals. But brewing them can be a little ... finicky....

How to brew natural processed coffees

Fruity. Sweet. Cupfulls of fresh berries, jams and mouth watering ripe fruits. Some of our all time favourite coffees are naturals. But brewing them can be a little ... finicky....