The Lab

Death Before (Bad) Decaf

Death Before (Bad) Decaf

Decaf coffee has made some huge strides forward in the last couple of years. Looking for a specialty decaf used to be a bit like trying to decide which piece...

Death Before (Bad) Decaf

Decaf coffee has made some huge strides forward in the last couple of years. Looking for a specialty decaf used to be a bit like trying to decide which piece...

Why does elevation matter in growing coffee?

Why does elevation matter in growing coffee?

The growing altitude of a coffee can have a huge impact on its quality. There's no better example of this, than in the story of the rise of the Gesha...

Why does elevation matter in growing coffee?

The growing altitude of a coffee can have a huge impact on its quality. There's no better example of this, than in the story of the rise of the Gesha...

The Roastery Report, May 2024 Edition: What's Been Happening At Kea Coffee This Month

The Roastery Report, May 2024 Edition: What's Been Happening At Kea Coffee This Month

We're already mid way through May and Spring is well and truly upon us! The last couple of weeks have been super busy here at Kea Coffee, and we're stoked...

The Roastery Report, May 2024 Edition: What's Been Happening At Kea Coffee This Month

We're already mid way through May and Spring is well and truly upon us! The last couple of weeks have been super busy here at Kea Coffee, and we're stoked...

5 reasons why the Aeropress is a great coffee brewer for making better coffee at home

Why We Love Brewing With Aeropress

The Aeropress is easily one of our favourite brewers here at Kea HQ. It's been our go-to for years, and it's still the brewer we usually reach for first when trying out...

Why We Love Brewing With Aeropress

The Aeropress is easily one of our favourite brewers here at Kea HQ. It's been our go-to for years, and it's still the brewer we usually reach for first when trying out...

Farm Stories: Federacion Abades, Narino, Columbia

Farm Stories: Federacion Abades, Narino, Columbia

In our regular Farm Stories series, we take a deep dive into the story behind the farm, and farmers, who produce the great coffees that we get to roast and...

Farm Stories: Federacion Abades, Narino, Columbia

In our regular Farm Stories series, we take a deep dive into the story behind the farm, and farmers, who produce the great coffees that we get to roast and...

Why We Don't Sell Pre Ground Coffee - The Science Of Freshly Ground Coffee

Why We Don't Sell Pre Ground Coffee - The Science Of Freshly Ground Coffee

If you've had a poke around our website already, you'll know that we're all about fresh, bright, seasonal coffees that shine. Coffee that lets its true origin characteristics do the talking. That...

Why We Don't Sell Pre Ground Coffee - The Science Of Freshly Ground Coffee

If you've had a poke around our website already, you'll know that we're all about fresh, bright, seasonal coffees that shine. Coffee that lets its true origin characteristics do the talking. That...